Student Defense: University of Colorado College of Nursing

The University of Colorado College of Nursing (CU College of Nursing) is the official nursing school of the University of Colorado. Located in Aurora, Colorado, the nursing school offers graduate, undergraduate, and post-graduate programs in nursing. As part of the College of Nursing, you can practice among your peers in a fast-paced, diverse environment that centers safety and excellence in care. However, to stay enrolled and graduate on time, you must demonstrate behavior that will be a good fit for your future profession as a professional in public trust. That means acting professionally and ethically and maintaining academic progress. Failure to do so leads to many issues, including dismissal, suspension, and expulsion from the program.

Nursing school is an exciting phase of your education and training to become a nurse that shapes and strengthens your personality. However, it also comes with the pressure to succeed and stress that go hand-in-hand with your future profession. Although no student attends nursing school intending to get expelled or dismissed, instances happen that sometimes seem beyond your control. When you make a mistake or experience a lapse in judgment. Despite your intentions, you may face a hearing and sanctions that leave a mark on your record, reputation, and future. Don't approach the process alone with so much to lose and all that is at stake. Send an online message to the Lento Law Firm Education Law Team or call 888-535-3686 for more information.

Common Reasons for Dismissal

Some nursing students mistakenly assume you must commit a severe violation to get suspended or expelled from nursing school. However, sometimes you may get these sanctions for committing a violation, even if this was your first mistake. Some of the most common reasons nursing schools dismiss students fall under three broad categories: educational progression issues, academic misconduct, and lack of professionalism. Whether you made a genuine mistake or committed actions that are not like yours, the dismissal threat looms until the adjudication process is over.

Getting dismissed comes with many short and long-term issues. Some include reputation damage and the inability to find another nursing program to accept your application. Others include starting over in a less prestigious program and losing time, money, grants, scholarships, and effort. If you receive notice of a possible violation, every action you take can lead to an outcome you didn't expect. That's why calling or sending the Lento Law Firm Education Law Team a message as soon as you learn of allegations against you can decrease the likelihood of a negative outcome.

Dismissal and Separation Policy at CU College of Nursing

According to the Student Handbook, a dismissal is an administrative withdrawal from an undergraduate or graduate nursing program. Suspension is separation from CU College of Nursing for a short timeframe. At the same time, expulsion is permanent removal, and exclusion entails not being allowed to be on any part of the university campus. Students who commit the following actions may receive a dismissal:

  • If they are an undergraduate nursing student with a GPA of 2.0 or below
  • If they are a graduate student who maintains a GPA lower than 3.0
  • Taking a course two times and failing it for the second time
  • Failing two separate courses, even if it is for the first time, in the nursing program
  • Violating the CU College of Nursing Student Honor and Conduct Code
  • Violating the University's Professional Role Behaviors Policy

The Assistant Dean of Undergraduate or Graduate Programs must recommend any dismissal, suspension, expulsion, or exclusion recommendation. Once the decision is made, the AD notifies the student in writing and informs them they have a right to a dismissal appeal hearing.

During the Appeal Hearing, the SAC Committee provides the panel with all information, notes, and documents. The student may not submit additional information unless they have previously unavailable documentation. Students may bring a support person during this process, but they may not participate directly in the proceedings. Once the hearing ends, it may result in one of the following actions:

  • An overturning of the dismissal action
  • An upholding of the dismissal action
  • The dismissal action is overturned, with contingencies

Having the support and knowledge of the Lento Law Firm Education Law Team during this process helps decrease the likelihood of a negative outcome. Their support, help, and passion for justice bolster your confidence and help you defend against allegations that can upend your future.

Contacting the Lento Law Firm Education Law Team

Although getting into nursing school is no easy task, getting out of issues after a hearing is much more difficult. Many students mistakenly assume that they can take on the process alone. But with so much that can go wrong and your career and educational path at stake, it is not advisable to do so. Instead, contact the Lento Law Firm Education Law Team to increase your chances of success and put your mind at ease.

The Lento Law Firm Education Law Team has years of experience working with nursing students nationwide. Whether you committed a severe violation or made a genuine mistake, you deserve due process and a chance to defend against damaging allegations.

The Lento Law Firm Education Law Team guides you through every facet of the process and identifies issues before they arise. With their compassion, knowledge, and dedication to justice, they are a shoulder to rely on when everything seems lost.

You worked hard, stayed up nights, and spent money and effort to become a nursing school student. Regardless of where you are in the process, don't let all your effort crumble before your eyes for committing a violation. You deserve to work with a team on your side, regardless of the case details.

If you or someone you care for faces dismissal, suspension, or expulsion from the UC College of Nursing, help is available. Send a message to the Lento Law Firm Education Law Team or call 888-535-3686 today.

Contact Us Today!

If you, or your student, are facing any kind of disciplinary action, or other negative academic sanction, and are having feelings of uncertainty and anxiety for what the future may hold, contact the Lento Law Firm today, and let us help secure your academic career.

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