Nationwide Pre-Med Student Discipline Defense

Before an aspiring doctor can get into medical school, they must go through four years of college as a pre-med student. Because the entrance standards to med school are highly competitive, pre-med students face a huge amount of pressure to get impeccable grades and maintain their academic progress. Unfortunately for some, a variety of issues may arise that can disrupt their college experience, harm their grades, and, at worst, result in dismissal from college or university. These issues range from allegations of academic misconduct to Title IX violations and more. Even an alleged violation of the school's Student Code of Conduct can result in a disciplinary hearing that may ultimately result in suspension or expulsion from school. If that happens, it becomes difficult, if not impossible, for the pre-med student to continue on to become a licensed physician. (Medical schools don't favor students with disciplinary records.)

Fortunately, there is hope. The Student Defense Team at the Lento Law Firm has nationwide experience helping pre-med students (and their parents) navigate the complex, scary process of dealing with school disciplinary issues and disputes. We have amassed a wealth of knowledge and experience in the student disciplinary processes for these schools and we can greatly improve your chances of obtaining a favorable resolution with the school, protecting your educational journey in the process. Call us at 888-535-3686 or use our online form.

Common Student Issues Pre-Med Students May Face

Pre-med students may face a wide range of issues during their college years, any of which have the potential to disrupt their career preparation. Some of the most common issues include:

While the disciplinary processes at most schools follow the same basic protocols, the actual implementations may differ from school to school. Knowing how your school's disciplinary process works is fundamental to helping you obtain a favorable outcome. The Lento Law Firm Team can guide you through this process step by step while working to ensure your rights are protected.

Academic Misconduct

The consequences of being found guilty of academic misconduct can be severe, including probation, suspension, or even dismissal. Such a finding can also bar a student from enrolling in another college, potentially ruining their medical career.

Academic misconduct or dishonesty covers a range of behaviors, including, but not limited to:

Code Of Conduct Violations

Most colleges and universities have a Student Code of Conduct that outlines the expected behavior of students on campus. Violating this code can lead to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion from school.

Some common Code of Conduct violations for pre-med students may include:

The disciplinary process for these types of allegations is often overseen by a different committee than for academic violations, but the process itself is usually similar: an investigation and informal conferences, followed by a disciplinary hearing and determination.

Title IX Violations

All colleges and universities receiving federal funding (i.e., most of them) must abide by current federal rules related to Title IX. Pre-med students may face Title IX allegations, including sexual harassment and misconduct. While college codes of conduct and Title IX policies can intersect, Title IX dictates the handling and adjudication of these allegations. Examples of these violations include:

To ensure compliance with Title IX rules (which often change), most colleges and universities maintain a separate Title IX office to adjudicate complaints of sexual/gender discrimination. The disciplinary process will follow the current Title IX protocols.

Academic Progression Issues/Academic Dismissal

Similar to medical school itself, pre-med degree plans in college tend to be aggressive regarding their course loads and academic expectations. With that in mind, even high-performing students may find themselves at risk of dismissal if they do not keep up with their coursework. Common reasons for academic progression difficulties may include anything from unfair grades to personal/family issues to mental/emotional health issues to ADA-qualifying disabilities, and it often requires the help of an education attorney to ensure the school does not dismiss a student without accounting for mitigating circumstances.

The prescribed "remedies" for pre-med students struggling to keep up with academic progress often make the problem worse rather than better--actually increasing the risk of having your education disrupted. These include:

  • Academic probation
  • Remediation programs
  • Academic suspension
  • Academic dismissal

The Lento Law Firm Team can intervene in situations like these by guiding you through the process of appealing unfair grades, challenging the validity of remedial programs, appealing academic probation, and other strategies designed to help restore your academic progress and avoid having your education derailed by dismissal.

The Danger of Disciplinary Actions Against Pre-Med Students

Any disciplinary action levied against a pre-med student could be disastrous for their future medical career. With tough competition in the medical school admissions pool, any negative marks on your academic record can significantly impact your chances of getting accepted into med school. Additionally, disclosing disciplinary actions to medical schools is required, and failure to do so could result in potential rejection or revocation of acceptance if discovered later on. Therefore, it is crucial to have an education attorney on your side who can help protect your rights and future medical career in the face of any disciplinary actions.

The Lento Law Firm Team: Helping Protect Your Academic Future

While facing school disciplinary issues as a pre-med student can feel overwhelming and disheartening, you don't have to face the process alone. The Student Defense Team at the Lento Law Firm has the experience and knowledge necessary to guide you through whatever disputes may be occurring with your college or university, whether it's a Title IX offense, allegations of cheating, or other Code of Conduct violations. We will evaluate the allegations against you, give you a clear understanding of what you're up against, provide the best guidance possible in preparing your defense strategy, negotiate on your behalf where allowable, and even explore litigation options if the school has blatantly violated your legal rights. Your chances of a favorable resolution go up considerably with a skilled attorney on your side. Contact us at 888-535-3686 or use our online form to schedule a consultation.

Contact Us Today!

If you, or your student, are facing any kind of disciplinary action, or other negative academic sanction, and are having feelings of uncertainty and anxiety for what the future may hold, contact the Lento Law Firm today, and let us help secure your academic career.

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